Saturday, March 12, 2011

others always know best

i am involved in this service learning project with my friends. it is a really enjoyable process for me mainly because of the company and because i have learn how to become more responsible and put myself in others' shoes.
but, there's this girl. i have known her since pri4, so right now, we have known each other for 9 years? i have always think of her as a responsible and mature person who has a strong sense of right and wrong. but she has been giving excuses and excuses for not coming to meetings, not doing what she is supposed to be doing.

she always cite the excuses of either headache, tired or schoolwork and make herself sound really really busy and that we should put ourselves in her shoes and stop faulting her for not attending meetings that she should be attending.

just now, she asked her mother to call our group leader to inform her that she will not be helping us to sell during march holidays. all of us have to contribute. but her mother just argued with my group leader that she has done a lot and she is feeling sick and so we should not force her to sell with us. WHAT THE FREAKING FUCK!
and she went for lessons today. i dunno what lessons were it but i just know that why she cant sell with us when she can attend lessons today?

and i dont know why she keeps saying that she has done a lot. she fucking didnt! the only contributions she has made is designing and editing badges and that is freaking the end! what about me? i designed, edit badges, source for shirt, badge and icecream suppliers, went to meet with these suppliers, and went for almost every meetings and many other things. and i still think i havent done enough. that i should do more. so what gives her the right to think she has done a lot?

and she told my group leader who in turn tell me that i have changed. that i dont know how to be considerate for her. fuck her.

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